Extensive Petunia range
New for 2025 includes three new varieties and new colours. New Amore® features a unique heart-shaped pattern, Splash Dance™ is a large-flowered variety with a speckled pattern and Ovation® is an early, compact series that produces flowers in shorter days.
New colours have been added to Designer™ and Surfinia®, and two new colours have been added to the all-weather option, the X-Petchoa BeautiCal®, which features large flowers and a semi-trailing habit, able to tolerate cold, heat, and rain.
A popular option in this range is Petunia Bubbles™, which delivers quick and easy colour for patio and containers. Extremely waterproof and specifically bred for UK conditions, this series is cold-tolerant for early production and late-season performance.
Also available is the double-flowered series, Tumbelina®, which complements the Surfinia® range. Petunia Designer™ and Constellation™ offer unique colour options. Designer™ has compact trailing plants, while Constellation™ has stippled flowers with white flecks and blotches that maintain colour stability.
The popular novelty Crazytunia® completes the range with its striking star-shaped flowers and mounded habit.
Adding to this range is the seed-raised collection, which includes the compact and large-flowered Eagle F1 and the naturally dwarf and non-stretching Espresso Grande, which also has an excellent shelf life. Supercascade F1 and Hulahoop F1 provide bright and colourful mixes and Success® is an excellent trailing and ground cover option. Additionally, there are Grandiflora, Multifora, Multiflora Double and Milliflora options.