Perennial 2022
Continuing to grow and develop in this ever-changing environment, Earley Ornamentals retains its status as a leading UK-based independent young plant producer.
Our new Perennial range features an extensive commercial range of young plants for 2022. There are 29 new introductions to the Premium Perennial range, which includes more than 600 varieties.
For 2022 the Perennial star is a new hardy Premium Perennial, showy Sedum SunSparkler®, which is available in five standout colours. With vibrant leaf colours, a neat growth habit and large flowers, SunSparkler® tolerates dry conditions and is a favourite with pollinating insects.
Other new Premium Perennials include easy-to-grow Primula Belarina™, a hardy double-flowered and delicately fragranced option Primula in three colours, Beaujolais, Ocean Blue and Sunrise Ruby.
The Salvia selection has been refreshed with six new introductions and the Pinks collection has been updated including new Alpine Pink, Berry Blush.