The big garden colour for 2022 is Very Peri.
There are plenty of young plant options in the Earley Ornamentals range to meet grower demand across Bedding, Basket and Patio as well as Perennial.

Commenting on this warm, vibrant colour, Simon Earley said: “This has to be one of the best of Pantone’s Colour of the Year! This creative colour opens up a whole landscape of options for gardens and parks across the UK.

“Whilst a new colour to Pantone, there are some great commercial seed and cutting raised plants within our range that capture the essence of this stunning red-violet infused blue colour. It’s one that will work tonally and in contrast – perfect for growers and retailers.”

Bedding, Basket & Patio

Choose our early spring flowering bestseller, Anemone Harmony Blue and its impressive double-flowered version. Likewise, stunning Senetti® new Blue White XXL, Blue Bicolour 15 and Magic Blue are on-trend and a great complement to Viola Bel Viso F1 Blueberry Swirl and our Viola Vibrante colours.

Anemone Harmony Double Blue Earley OrnamentalsSenetti Blue Bicolour 15 Earley OrnamentalsSenetti Magic Blue Earley OrnamentalsViola Bel Viso Blueberry Swirl Earley OrnamentalsViola Vibrante YTT Earley OrnamentalsViola Vibrante Pink Surprise Earley Ornamentals

Pansy, Primula and Polyanthus

For all year round flowering, an excellent choice for hanging baskets and patio pots is Pansy Freefall® F1 Deep Violet or for softer colour options, select Pansy Freefall® F1 Marina, True Blue or Morpho, which features a part yellow face. And, from our top-performing Pansy Premier F1, there is Blue with Blotch Imp and Marina Imp.

A good Primula option is Evie F1 Mid Blue or vigorous double Rubens F1 Blue Shades, and for Polyanthus there is the most wonderful colour Supernova F1 Blue Imp.

Pansy Freefall Deep Violet Earley OrnamentalsPansy Freefall Morpho Earley OrnamentalsPansy Premier Blue Blotch Earley OrnamentalsPansy Premier Marina Earley OrnamentalsPrimula Rubens Mix Earley OrnamentalsPolyanthus SuperNova Blue Earley Ornamentals

Leading Calibrachoa & Petunia

For summer bedding, new Calibrachoa Eyeconic™ Purple or the rich new Calibrachoa Lia™ Blue. For uniquely patterned bicolour there’s Calibrachoa Candy Shop™ Grape Slapsh Imp.

Petunia that suit the 2022 colour include new seed raised dwarf Petunia Espresso Grande Blue or for more unusual patterns there are cutting raised choices such as Designer™ Inksplash and Constellation™ Aries or Crazytunia® Purple Storm.

Petunia Designer Inksplash Earley OrnamentalsPetunia Constellation Aries Earley Ornamentals


Our bestselling Nemesia group has several options that sit into the Very Peri colour range, including new lightly scented Nemesia Evening Dusk and Myrtille. For a softer option, there is the delicate Easter Bonnet.

Bella Fuchsia® Diana and semi-trailing Nora are ideal for impulse colour sales.

Nemesia Myrtill Earley OrnamentalsNemesia Easter Bonnet Earley OrnamentalsFuchsia Bella Nora Earley Ornamentals


For Perennial, there are options such as vigorous, upright Geranium Storm Cloud and strong-growing Pulmonaria Blue Ensign, a low maintenance plant with a compact, mounding habit.

For vibrancy, there is Primula Belarina™ Ocean Blue with its bright azure blue blooms and delicate white fringes that contrast with the compact green foliage.

For Structure

Structural options such as Agapanthus Summer Love™ Blue and Delphinium Magic Mix work well. Alternatively, robust Salvia Kate Glenn has a strong upright habit and dense mid-green fragrant foliage.

For Wildlife & Pollinators

Wildlife-friendly perennials include the Buddleja Buzz range and tall-stemmed Sisyrinchium idahoensis Moody Blues, which has large bright blue-violet flowers with a yellow eye and iris-like grassy foliage.  Also, attractive plants to pollinators are Campanula, with options such as Campanula Clips Deep Blue and Campanula garganica.

Delphinium MF Mix Earley OrnamentalsCampanula Carpatica Clips Deep Blue Earley OrnamentalsCampanula garganica Earley Ornamentals

More from Earley Ornamentals

These are only a selection of the commercial options within the Earley Ornamentals range to meet the Very Peri colour, retail and garden performance requirements.  Take a look through the website or catalogue to discover more.